Advance CTE: State Leaders Connecting Learning to Work
Advance CTE: State Leaders Connecting Learning to Work is the longest-standing national non-profit that represents State Directors and state leaders responsible for secondary, postsecondary and adult Career Technical Education (CTE) across all 50 states and U.S. territories. Advance CTE was formerly known as the National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education Consortium (NASDCTEc).
Advance CTE’s vision is to support an innovative CTE system that prepares individuals to succeed in education and their careers and poises the United States to flourish in a global, dynamic economy through leadership, advocacy and partnerships.
Our mission is to support visionary state leadership, cultivate best practices and speak with a collective voice on national policy to promote academic and technical excellence that ensures a career-ready workforce.
Advance CTE is an advocate for policies and legislation that enhance and sustain high-quality CTE programs throughout the nation. To that end, the association actively monitors federal and national developments and around the country for the latest research, news, and issues influencing the dialogue on CTE and education policy. Advance CTE represents the CTE interests of its members in the nation’s capital.
Information and Resources
Advance CTE provides members and the CTE community with vital tools, resources and timely information required to support high-quality CTE. We also host a range of events, and provide timely information and resources throughout the year to serve the CTE community. Advance CTE news, views, and events keep CTE interests on the forefront in Washington D.C. and across the nation.
Career Clusters™ and Programs of Study
In cooperation with The Center to Advance CTE, Advance CTE provides leadership and support for the National Career Clusters™ Framework to deliver high-quality CTE programs through improved curriculum design and instruction. The ultimate goal: To elevate student success in college and career while strengthening the economy and driving America’s competitiveness worldwide.
Advance CTE has a growing membership of more than 250 members who share our CTE vision and commitment to quality education at the secondary, postsecondary and adult levels.
Contact Advance CTE
Advance CTE
8484 Georgia Avenue, Suite 320
Silver Spring, MD 20910
FAX: 301-588-9631